Wednesday, November 25, 2009

T9 set

So I have now gotten my 4 piece set of T9 and my question is, where is the damn armor pen? The set is pretty good for bear and I'm happy about that, but I was hoping to use it for cat as well. The whole set only has 59 armor pen. What the heck?

I know to get some really great damage out of cat that is the stat I need the most. So I guess I have to turn to non-set pieces to get it. And yes, I know there are quite a few leather items out there with armor pen, I just am getting pissy about not having very much on the T9 set. I was running around as kitty in ToC25 the other night and was only pulling around 6K dps, but I also only had 20% armor pen. And hit rating....I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of it. Yesh.... I'm almost 100 points over cap and I'm not gemming for it. I'm wearing gear based on the other stats.

So my quandary is, why does our gear seem to have so much hit but not near enough armor pen?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bearcat wanderings

So as I have mentioned before, I am an officer in my guild and I like my guild. But lately I'm feeling a bit caged. I feel like a tiger pacing in my enclosure.

My guild has been clearing ToC10, Ony10 and Ony25 for several weeks now but last night we finally made progress on ToC25 and downed 3/5. And hopefully we will go back tonight and finish it up!

Now here is the thing, we have some really good players, and then we have some really not so good players. Being a casual guild, it is hard to get all really good players when we don't require attendance. I'm happy we are downing ToC25 but I want more.

I want to try heroic modes, I want challenges but I just don't know that there are enough people in my guild that are up to it. I don't even have to do ToGC25 at this point. I would settle with ToGC10. But I don't want to /gquit either.

So I plan to try and put together a group soon. Til then, I pace restlessly.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Question for the interwebs....

I have a non-WoW related post for y'all that maybe ya'll can help me with.

I created my dad's website for him and I have submitted the url to the different search engines. I started the website back in July and that is when I submitted to Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. And I can see that Google has never seached his site.

Also even when I search for specific keywords that are listed, he doesn't show up in the first several pages. Does anyone have any suggestions to help with showing up higher in the search list? Especially on Google?

In case anyone is interested, the address is

He is starting the guide service to help pay my mother's medical bills so I would appreciate any help I can get!

Thanks in advance for any help.