So several months ago, my work blocked access to any blogs and so I couldn't post. I mean, I could in the evenings when I got home, but I rarely had the time. So the good news is that I should be able to post more now that I have access from work again.
To update:
The wife and I have joined another guild, I now raid on my enhancement shaman in 25s every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights from 7-11pm. We have cleared ICC 25 and are 9/12 in ICC 25 Heroic. We are still working on Deathwhisper, Sindy and LK. We have also done RS25 but are still working on RS25 Heroic.
I raid on my druid on Saturdays in the GDKP ICC 25 runs and ICC 10 mans and I tank/kitty as needed.
Overall, we are having a lot of fun raiding again, which is nice because it had become a chore in BotH. Sometime all you need is a change of pace!