Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So I'm back at work again and I have realized that not much has changed up here and that a trained monkey can still do my job. Ugh. When you spend your day going Click, Click, Click it is boring as hell.

On the raiding front, it seems my guild is doing a few interesting things. We are running 25 man ToC, but several of the people in my guild can't seem to find their keys to save their life. When we have hunters who can't out damage me as a bear, or my Pally offtank, what the heck is going on. Now understand, they are in purples, but wow.

Then we are running 10 man ToC weekly as well, and clearing it but not a single useful thing for me has dropped. Sad....

Now on to the interesting thing. We have tried ToGC10, and while we aren't getting very far, we have a couple of people in the run who after a couple wipes starts saying they want to do something else cause this isn't fun. No, wiping isn't fun, however, you do have to do some of it to attempt new methods and such. I don't understand what the heck they are thinking. If you sign up for a progression raid, be prepared to wipe and try again.

There seems to be this attitude in my guild recently that I don't understand. I don't know why people want to just blow thru kills quickly with the experienced and geared people and not take the people that need the gear and experience. It is basically badge farming. And while I like my badges, there needs to be balance to get new folks in and still get badges.

My guild is kind of stuck in the middle. We have quite a few very good raiding people in the guild, who do the research and work on their toons. But we are also a casual guild, so sometimes we have people along on raids who don't put in the same kind of work. And while I would prefer not to take the people who haven't put in the work to at least research the fights and gotten the gear from badges and heroics to upgrade their gear, it isn't possible to fill a 25 man if we don't take some of them. And I want to do 25 mans and I want to do the heroic 10 mans. I want to put in the work but I don't know that we even have 10 that are willing to put in the work for 10 man heroic. So while I'm an officer in my guild, I'm beginning to wonder if I wouldn't prefer to raid in another guild. So my question is, at what point do you consider moving your main to another guild to raid in, but keeping my other toons in my current guild?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Okay, well, sorry for the long long delay, life has been entertaining, but not really in a good way. I'm doing better and should be back at work in the next few weeks. I didn't end up mending quite as quickly has planned, but then nothing ever goes according to plan. However, I am becoming quite fond of gaming on the laptop while in bed. Got a nice little tableish thing to put it on and a lapboard with the mouse on the right side and my G13 on the left. Quite comfy!

Wow-wise, been raiding TC10, I haven't seen any good upgrades drop for me yet, but hopefully soon. We have TC25 scheduled for this week, and I can't wait.

I have also been leveling a shaman. I have to say, I'm quite surprised by how fun Elemental is. She is currently 78 so she should hit 80 soon.

I am still working on the article for the 10 man only gear. Should be soon.