Thursday, October 23, 2008

Argh....Sick Bear and Patch Ramblings

I don't know what is worse, being sick, or being sick.  I hate pneumonia.  At least I think I'm starting to get over it.

Anyway, I think that I like the new bear abilities.  I miss my armor, but I haven't found that to be a problem with tanking heroics or raiding.  What I do love is my new bear form DPS.  I was able to sustain almost 600 dps in bear form.  I'm sure others out there can do better, but wow, on our raids, none of the other tanks were able to come close.  Even a prot warrior in his dps gear only did a little over 400.  So far, I'm loving the damage I can deal in bear form.

And I love the new feral charge for cats.  I love that it works from prowling and that you jump right behind your target.  This has been wonderful to produce almost 700 dps on the HH.  Don't know what it would do to an actual raid boss where I can truly unleash.  But wow, loving some of the cat changes.  Now all I really need are more keys on my speedpad.  Oh wait, that is a keyboard isn't it.

And I love the inscriptions.  I took it on my priest alt who is now 42.  Almost up to 300 inscription.  Now the interesting thing is that in the 8 days since the patch, Yleedead has made a little over 1500 gold just selling glyphs.  Wow.  I can't believe that.  It is just amazing.  And I am lower than everyone else.  I can't believe some of the prices.  Of course, where you really make your money is with the minor glyphs since you can only discover one every 20 hours.  I now have 6 and try to keep them up on the AH.

Friday, October 10, 2008

WotLK Talents

So I have been reading and studying the talent changes coming with Lich King.  I think I have decided on the following build.

However, I still am not happy.  I would like to put one more point in Infected Wounds so that if it stacks twice, that is a 50% movement reduction, but really, that is a grinding talent, not a raiding one, so I can live with a 34% movement reduction.

I have tried to make my choices so that I am a viable tank, but so that I can do very decent damage if given the opportunity.  One thing I miss currently is being able to cat DPS more. When I first started tanking Kara, I got to go cat a lot more.  Now since I'm the main tank in the guild, I don't get to go cat that often.  But in choosing my talents, I am hoping with the expansion, I might get to cat around again for a little bit.  

I hate not being able to take Primal Tenacity, but I just can't afford the points for the fear duration reduction.  I might have sacrificed something else for it if it was a 15% chance to resist fear, but since it is just a reduction in duration, I am not going to waste my points.  

The only other thing that I am missing that I have now is Brutal Impact.  Well, it only adds 1 second to my stuns in either cat or bear form.  Again, I just don't think it is worth sacrificing something else for those 2 points.  I am still going to be able to stun them, it is just not going to last quite as long.  Not a deal breaker.

Well, these are my thoughts at the moment.  They might change in the next month.  Heck, who knows, I might not be the main tank of the guild and can be more catty, but I just don't see that happening any time soon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What the hell were they thinking?

Okay, so I have been running heroics with some guildies of mine.  We have quite a few new faces lately, and so I have been running with them to get to know them.  This is sad.  We have a mage, who doesn't know when to sheep because he sheeps too close to a patrol instead of waiting until I pull the group back around a corner.  And then he goes to refresh his sheep with the Boss standing there, and wouldn't you know it, he pulls the boss.  This was in Ramps with the first boss.  Argh. What amazes me is that he is supposed to be a great tank on his paladin, so what gives?

Next up we have the dps warrior that refuses to quit using whirlwind "because my dps would be too low" even when he is next to a sheep or a trap.  I typically run with my wife (resto druid), BM hunter and a frost mage.  So we have lots of sheeps or traps on most pulls, and if the warrior got remotely close he didn't care.  His dps was more important to him than a smooth run.  What the hell?

I am really starting to think that I want to go back to the rule of no one under 18 in the guild. Both of the people in the above statements are teenage boys.  WTB maturity.  And I am one of the more patient people in the guild.  I would just like everyone out there to remember, a smooth run is the most important thing, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR DPS IS if everyone wipes because you broke CC.