Anyway, I think that I like the new bear abilities. I miss my armor, but I haven't found that to be a problem with tanking heroics or raiding. What I do love is my new bear form DPS. I was able to sustain almost 600 dps in bear form. I'm sure others out there can do better, but wow, on our raids, none of the other tanks were able to come close. Even a prot warrior in his dps gear only did a little over 400. So far, I'm loving the damage I can deal in bear form.
And I love the new feral charge for cats. I love that it works from prowling and that you jump right behind your target. This has been wonderful to produce almost 700 dps on the HH. Don't know what it would do to an actual raid boss where I can truly unleash. But wow, loving some of the cat changes. Now all I really need are more keys on my speedpad. Oh wait, that is a keyboard isn't it.
And I love the inscriptions. I took it on my priest alt who is now 42. Almost up to 300 inscription. Now the interesting thing is that in the 8 days since the patch, Yleedead has made a little over 1500 gold just selling glyphs. Wow. I can't believe that. It is just amazing. And I am lower than everyone else. I can't believe some of the prices. Of course, where you really make your money is with the minor glyphs since you can only discover one every 20 hours. I now have 6 and try to keep them up on the AH.