Friday, October 10, 2008

WotLK Talents

So I have been reading and studying the talent changes coming with Lich King.  I think I have decided on the following build.

However, I still am not happy.  I would like to put one more point in Infected Wounds so that if it stacks twice, that is a 50% movement reduction, but really, that is a grinding talent, not a raiding one, so I can live with a 34% movement reduction.

I have tried to make my choices so that I am a viable tank, but so that I can do very decent damage if given the opportunity.  One thing I miss currently is being able to cat DPS more. When I first started tanking Kara, I got to go cat a lot more.  Now since I'm the main tank in the guild, I don't get to go cat that often.  But in choosing my talents, I am hoping with the expansion, I might get to cat around again for a little bit.  

I hate not being able to take Primal Tenacity, but I just can't afford the points for the fear duration reduction.  I might have sacrificed something else for it if it was a 15% chance to resist fear, but since it is just a reduction in duration, I am not going to waste my points.  

The only other thing that I am missing that I have now is Brutal Impact.  Well, it only adds 1 second to my stuns in either cat or bear form.  Again, I just don't think it is worth sacrificing something else for those 2 points.  I am still going to be able to stun them, it is just not going to last quite as long.  Not a deal breaker.

Well, these are my thoughts at the moment.  They might change in the next month.  Heck, who knows, I might not be the main tank of the guild and can be more catty, but I just don't see that happening any time soon.

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