Friday, October 3, 2008

What the hell were they thinking?

Okay, so I have been running heroics with some guildies of mine.  We have quite a few new faces lately, and so I have been running with them to get to know them.  This is sad.  We have a mage, who doesn't know when to sheep because he sheeps too close to a patrol instead of waiting until I pull the group back around a corner.  And then he goes to refresh his sheep with the Boss standing there, and wouldn't you know it, he pulls the boss.  This was in Ramps with the first boss.  Argh. What amazes me is that he is supposed to be a great tank on his paladin, so what gives?

Next up we have the dps warrior that refuses to quit using whirlwind "because my dps would be too low" even when he is next to a sheep or a trap.  I typically run with my wife (resto druid), BM hunter and a frost mage.  So we have lots of sheeps or traps on most pulls, and if the warrior got remotely close he didn't care.  His dps was more important to him than a smooth run.  What the hell?

I am really starting to think that I want to go back to the rule of no one under 18 in the guild. Both of the people in the above statements are teenage boys.  WTB maturity.  And I am one of the more patient people in the guild.  I would just like everyone out there to remember, a smooth run is the most important thing, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOUR DPS IS if everyone wipes because you broke CC.

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