So we all move up and I pull the first two adds and pull them close to the far stairs and pull the other two spiders that also pat across as they come out that way. No big deal right? Well, I hadn't realized that the tree only had like 14K mana so when my health drops kind of low, I pop survival thinking nothing of it other than maybe the tree wasn't paying attention. So after we clear that pull, I looked at the tree's mana pool and then check his gearscore and find out it is 2240. Ouch, I will have to be more careful. No big deal.
So then I pull the next threesome, the one with the spell-finger. I have aggro on all of them but the spell-finger is still casting shadowbolts around and the healer is again having issues healing and I have to use frenzied regen.
Well, we finish that off and go downstairs where I pull the one patting group over to the right, and again I have the spell-finger targeted and am clearly in the lead for threat but shadowbolts go out cause I only have one interrupt and it is on a minute cooldown. Then the shaman somehow pulls the other group as well, so I run around and grab everyone, and I'm low on health again so I pop survival instincts again and of course it takes me a second to get aggro on everything so a few folks get hit with some shadowbolts because apparently the rogue doesn't know to interrupt, but no one dies. But I get aggro rather quickly and we burn everything down. When everything is dead, I look at Recount and I'm top in dps.
At this point, I sit down and eat since the healer has no mana. While I'm sitting there the healer says, "Tank, WTF u suck"
I reply with, "uh, excuse me?" To which he says "but I still love u".
I'm speechless. I suck? I didn't pull the extra group, I ran and got aggro on everything when it was pulled and on every trash pull I have had to use survival instincts, frenzied regen, or lifeblood and barkskin and I suck?
Now keep in mind, I only do 10 mans on my bear, but I have over 30K armor, 46K health and 40%ish dodge in a 5 man. And it was Old Kingdom. And why am I leading dps when there is a boomkin, rogue and enhancment shammy in the group? How exactly is it that I suck?