Friday, November 7, 2008

Dual Specs

Since in WotLK we are supposed to be able to have a main spec and an alt spec, I have been thinking about this.  If I had to choose one spec, I think it would end up looking like this.  But since I can have two specs, I think I will pick one for cat and one for bear.  

Therefore, I think my bear would look like this.  Not a lot of changes, but the big one is the fear reduction.  I hate being the tank and getting feared, if you are tanking a boss, it really screws everything up, and the whole raid is counting on you.  So while it doesn't help my resistance, at least if I get feared, it won't last as long.

And my cat would look like this.  I would have liked to have gotten Master Shapeshifter, but I couldn't afford the 5 points it would have taken to get it.  So, overall, I'm pretty happy with it since I really only lose a few bear abilities, but since the point is I should be able to switch specs quickly in a dungeon, I think it should work for decent damage.

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