Monday, November 3, 2008

Enchants - Mongoose

(1-0.75^ppm should be correct if I'm thinking clearly - 15/60 sec uptime is 45/60 downtime on a 1ppm mongoose proc)
You get 1.25 ppm in cat form (15 specials, 1/60 chance to proc each). 
That should mean 1-0.75^1.25 = 30% uptime for 120 agi -> 36 agi avg (+some haste).

As far as I know, you only get one try to proc mongoose per swipe, right? 
You get 2.67 ppm in bear form (40 specials, 2.5/60 chance to proc each).
1-0.75^2.67 = 46% uptime -> 55 agi avg (+some haste)

Okay, so using a little math and explaining where it came from, we start with the equation
1-(a)^b where 
a is the percent of downtime you have in a minute and 
b is the number of chances to proc in a minute.

And from Wowwiki: Proc per minute

And for catform, since energy regens at 20 energy per two seconds, you can only get 15 special attacks in a minute using all the tools in your toolbox.  So that is where you get 15 specials in 1 minute or 15 in 60 seconds so 15/60 so that is 60+15 = 75 hits per minute. And Procs per hit = Weapon speed * Procs per minute / 60 which is 1.67% for catform. So 75*0.0167 = 1.2525 = 1.25   

So now you plug that into the formula and get 1-(.75)^1.25 = .302 or 30% of the time (18 seconds out of every minute), you will have the mongoose bonus.  So we know that mongoose grants 120 agility, so that is approximately 2 agility per second, so you would get a bonus average of +36 agility plus some haste, which is slightly better than the +35 agility.

Now we can do the same math for bear.  But here you can get in a lot more specials in a minute since you are really only limited by the global cooldown. (I assume you have enough rage)  So since the global cooldown is 1.5 seconds 60/1.5 = 40.  And Procs per hit = Weapon speed * Procs per minute / 60 which is 4.17% for bearform. So you get 40 specials + 24 normals attacks in a minute which is 64 and 64*4.17% = 2.67 and so 1-(.75)^2.67 = 54% uptime. And if it is up 54% of the time, that is 32.4 seconds and so at an average of 2 agility per second, gives 65 agility average.  Can this be right?

In short, mongoose is good for bear, about equal for kitty.

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