Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gear Updates

So I have been watching and reading all the links about gear upgrades for bears.  And it looks like a lot of Utgarde Keep heroic runs for me.  But just so I can keep track of everything, here are a couple of links for gear.

Using Rawr, and doing some of my own calcualtions, if I get most of the good pieces I need to drop, I will be sitting around 30,000 armor and hit points with 34% dodge and 80% mitigation.  I wish my dodge was higher, but I can work on that.  I'm hoping that will be enough to start running Naxx in a few weeks. 

We hit 75 last night, and since once we get home on Thursday from eating with relatives, we can just play until Monday, I'm hoping to be really really close to 80 by Monday.  

Here is hoping!

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