We were able to down the 3/3 Arachnid, 3/3 Plague, 2/3 Military and 1/4 Construct. And we got Grobbulus down to 28,697. Argh. But given that this was the first time that 6 of the people had been in Naxx, I think we did pretty well.
Our guild is up to 39 level 80s, which is nice, but also means that people are feeling left out of stuff. We had two people quit the guild because they didn't feel needed. Not quite sure why, they had been going on dungeon runs and hit 80 last Friday, so they would have been invited on this weeks Naxx runs. I don't quite understand it all, but maybe I'm not supposed to.
A friend of mine has been pretty good DPS out of going cat. He went complete cat since at the time we had quite a few tanks. He seems to be really liking the cat dps.
Personally, I'm up to 28,000 armor, 33,000 health and 35% dodge unbuffed, so I'm getting there. I hope to buy another new piece soon. I'm getting the Savage Gladiator's Sanctuary set. I think it is better for bear than the T7. I have the chest and should be able to buy the hands this week with honor/arena points. That will be nice at least for arenas.
Of course, I will be out of town for the next two weeks, so no real play time. Kind of hard to play at the lake!
Have a Happy Holiday!