Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Feral Faction Info

Factions are a great/horrible thing to have to grind.  So I'm making a list and checking it twice.

Knights of the Ebon Blade
Darkheart Chestguard - (Exalted) Cat chestpiece

Wyrmrest Accord
Dragonfriend Bracers - (Exalted) Cat and Bear

Glitterscale Wrap - (Revered) Bear

Kirin Tor
Mind-expanding Leggings - (Revered) Cat and Bear

Argent Crusade

Frenzyheart Tribe
Azure Strappy Pants - (Revered) Cat (but I wouldn't, go Oracles)

Sons of Hodir

So I plan to grind for the Oracle belt and Kirin Tor legs.  Not quite sure what else yet, but I know those two.  And of course, I'm grind for my fishing pole!

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