We got Flame Leviathan, Razorscale and XT down on Thursday. Then Sunday we came back and got Ignis and worked on the Iron Council.
One little hint that may be helpful for Razor is that there are two types of balls of fire that fall from the sky. Blue balls and Orange/Blue balls. Now, we all know there are certain things in life you don't want, and this continues to be true. IF YOU SEE THE BLUE BALLS COMING YOUR WAY, MOVE! The Blue balls put the blue flame on the ground and kill you if you stand in it. The Orange/Blue Balls are the fireballs and while they deal damage, they aren't as big a deal. So, please notice Blue balls = bad, not that you probably didn't already know that! ;)
What I did learn on XT was that every little bit helps. I used my Tranquility during the second Tympanic Tantrum and that really helped with the healing for my group. And I was still top DPS with 5100 so I was happy I could help heal the group and put out the dps. Also, if you don't know, there is now trash in XT's room that you can pull before you engage XT. This helps a lot!
And on Ignis, when you are in the pot, use your healthstones, potions, and lifeblood if you have them. This will make things much easier on your healers.
Currently I am full cat spec and running with Glyph of Rip, Glyph of Shred and Glyph of Savage Roar. I am really enjoying cat right now but I also enjoy tanking. I'm not so fond of healing, but I know that my guild runs short of healers occassionally so I can't just make my two specs bear/cat but I think it would be lots of fun.