So this past week saw my 10 man group take down the first 4 bosses on Thursday night and then we took down Iron Council,
Kologarn and
Auriaya yesterday.
Can I just say wow, they nerfed the crap out of the first 4 bosses. We one shot Ignis and XT and didn't really have much issue with people going down. I was cat the whole night since my buddy Gurggy the Mighty Warrior was there to tank. We downed the first 4 bosses in less than 2 hours and called it a night. It was a lot of fun! And I am still running top on damage and still helping with innervates and rezzes. But Sunday I get to tank again!!
Now on Iron Council, at first we had me on the middle and small guys but I just couldn't get the little guy to move so we switched it up. We had the DK tank (Eximius) on those two while I took Steelbreaker. He was a lot of fun to tank. Just remember to call out those Fusion Punches and keep an eye on the ground below him. I will also mention that if you position your camera correctly, you can see is animation for the Fusion Punch and it is easier to call out so you aren't just watching his cast bar. Steelbreaker will raise his arm above his head and it gets this bright white glowing spark and that is when he is casting the Fusion Punch.
Once he was down, I grabbed Molgeim and tanked him. Make sure someone is dispelling his Shield of Runes and that you move him forward just enough to get him out of the Rune of Power he puts on the ground but stay close enough your melee can stand in it. Also, when you see the Rune of Death, run! Don't pass go, don't collect 200 dollars, just get out of there!! Those hurt if they somehow get combined with him standing on his Rune of Power and hitting you!! I was made into a bear rug. /shiver
Then we moved on and wiped out Brundir, and he is pretty easy as long as you run from his Overload and when he hovers in the air, stay away from him while he wanders around the room. He was really easy to kill if you watched those things!
After this we went to fight Kologarn. Now, let me pass on something we didn't know ahead of time. YOU CAN RUN OFF THE EDGE OF THE PLATFORM. So if you are tanking him, don't run too close and fall off! ;) I'm not the one who discovered this but I was laughing way too hard when he said it in vent. Other than that this guy is a pansy. His adds he calls are a joke and easy to take down all by my bear self. Just keep an eye out for his evil eye (laser beams!)
Now we moved on to Auriaya, who really wasn't bad either. We cleared some trash and got her set up and Eximius pulled for me and I tanked her. We just kept moving her around the corners so that when her Sentry respawned Eximius could take care of it quickly. It went quite smoothly.
We then moved onto Hodir but we really didn't have time to try more than like 3 times since some folks needed to get going. But I think that was a pretty good week!