Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So the patch has hit and everyone is excited. After my group cleared ToC10 last week, we went and tried ICC10.

Woah! Things didn't go all that well. Our best shot on Marrowgar was 54%. However, I think our biggest issue was we only have 1 ranged person. And for whatever reason, I can't seem to buy a ranged person. When we first walked in, my OT was right next to me and I was still getting 1 shot. Holy cow. I have 32K armor with 25% dodge (after the chill) with 50K health. I don't think that is chump change.

I wasn't expecting to just waltz in there and down him, but I sure wasn't expecting what I got.

And now, every blog I read and most sites talk about clearing the first 4 bosses. And all I can wonder is what have we done wrong that they did right?

Then, I went back on Sunday with my "Alt" group. Me on my Elemental Shammy for dps. And this time we had 3 ranged dps, 2 melee dps, 3 healers and 2 tanks. We ended up moving one of the melee to make a third tank and still the best we got was 38%.

I'm just frustrated. So, instead of running ToC10 this week, I have scheduled ToGC10. Just to try to push the limits of my raiders. But I wonder how much difference that will make. I have pretty decent gear and there aren't any upgrades from ToGC10 for me really. I could upgrade my staff one notch, but otherwise, there isn't much. Same for most of my group. So I know the gear is slightly better, but will it give us the edge to kill Marrowgar?

Anyone have any better suggestions?

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