We also made a couple of attempts at Lady Deathwhisper (LD) but since it was late and none of us had actually read up on the fight too much in advance, it didn't go that smoothly. We only got to phase 2 once out of like 3 tries.
But I have since researched it and I'm going to put down what I know and what we found out in easy terms that I hope I can remember and might help someone else. Everything is for 10 man normal mode. Note: LD has a 10 minute hard enrage timer.
Phase 1
LD has a mana shield up with 3.3 million mana. You have to burn thru that to get to the point where you can damage her. She has no aggro table at this phase so no tank needed. She does cast shadowbolts and death and decay. Everyone should know the main rule of raiding by this point, which is "Don't Stand in Shit" so when you see the green area on the ground, run out of it.
First adds spawn at 15 seconds into the fight and every 40 seconds thereafter from either the right or the left side of the room. Right side group will have 2 adherents and 1 fanatic. Left side group will have 1 adherent and 2 fanatics. Adherents are casters and fanatics are melee. Only one side pops at at time so tanks pick up and melee burn them down. Sometimes LD will reanimate the adds and then they do a lot more damage.
Adherents are casters and when LD reanimates them, they become immune to magical damage, so make sure to have your physical damage tank (bears, warriors, blood DKs) pick them up and kite them around. Melee burn them down.
Fanatics are melee and when LD reanimates them, they become immune to physical damage, so make sure to have your spell damage tank (pallys, Frost DKs, Undead DKs) pick them up and kite them around. Ranged burn them down.
During most of phase 1, have your ranged dps wail on LD and only dps on the adds if you have a reanimated fanatic. Another job that needs to be done during this phase is when LD empowers the adds, someone needs to dispel it.
An adherent that is empowered will cast Shroud of the Occult so melee needs to burn that as quickly as possible to get the shroud down. Run away from everyone if you get the deathchill blast or you damage everyone around you.
A fanatic that is empowered will get Vampiric Might which will heal them to full and he will do more damage. Kite him around if you can't CC him while you wait for the debuff to go away. Tanks can taunt him back and forth while melee kills him. But remember to beware of his cleave as it really hurts.
If you have time between when you take down the groups of adds and the next wave, everyone should be on the boss doing as much dps as you can. Hopefully you will have her mana shield down in at most 6 minutes, to do this, you need at least 9,167 dps on her shield to get it done.
Phase 2
No more adds will spawn during this phase but she will keep casting her D&D. At the beginning of this phase is an aggro wipe so make sure someone announces she is about to start phase 2.
Have your MT pick her up and keep her until the MT gets 2-3 stacks of Touch of Insignificance then have the OT taunt her. Rinse repeat. Also you need to make sure that you have several people who can interrupt her Frostbolts cause they hit like a mac truck.
LD will also raise ghosts during this phase, and the shades will pick a random target and move towards them. If they get in melee range of the target KABOOM. So make sure to keep an eye out for the shades and move away from them until they despawn in a few seconds. Wowhead says that it is melee range of its target, but I can't confirm yet if it is any target in melee range or just the one it has targeted.
Well I hope this guide is helpful and helps you keep your fur clean and shiny!
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