Monday, February 23, 2009

Guild changes abound!

So, my guild has had some tough decisions lately.  We had some issues with a couple of folks concerning gear and had to let them go. We don't run with DKP so we expect people to only roll on stuff for their spec/class and not guilt folks into giving them gear.  It has been a royal pain and we have been dealing with it for several weeks now, but at least we can move on as a guild now.

And after we got all of that taken care of, our guild leader decides to step down and quit playing due to stress of game and stress of RL.  I will truly miss him! I think his replacement will do a fine job and we should still be a damn fine guild.  

On a positive note, we won't be raiding 5 - 6 nights a week anymore which will make my home life much better.  This bear needs more tree time!!

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