Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Round and Round we go.....

So, I have read the new changes to Swipe and while I am excite about the no target change, I'm a little iffy about the 360 degree thing.  Yes, I am well aware it will be quite nice especially with an 8 yard range, but how exactly does a bear swipe BEHIND himself?  Are we going to do a jump and spin while all 4 paws are extended?  I think that would make a great annimation, however I know it won't happen.

I love Swipe because it generates a great deal of threat and this will make it much more useful on certain fights where you have multiple mobs running at you and you have to try and position yourself  to grab them all.  (I'm thinking Gothic at the moment, but there are others.)  However, I wonder if a cooldown is in our future.  

If they change Swipe by removing target requirement and make it 360 degrees with an 8 yard range, I would expect it to be given a cooldown similar to Thunder Clap (6 seconds).  However, the difference lies in that TC increases time between attacks by 10% for 30 seconds while Swipe does not and TC does 300 base damage while Swipe does 108, and both damages scale with attack power.  So, TC really does a lot more than Swipe does and therefore we might not end up with a cooldown after all.

I am not going to compare it to Concecration or Death and Decay since both are area spells that remain for 8 seconds and 10 seconds respectively.  These are a different kind of spell since any mob who goes into those areas will get hit with them while Swipe is an instant cast.

Overall, I'm not going to get my hopes up yet, but I can't wait to see what makes it to the live realms.

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