Monday, September 15, 2008

Hard Core Raiding Guild?

I met some guys on the elevator at work the other day, I overheard them speaking about The Hinderlands.  So obviously, I had to ask what classes they had, what server they were on and so forth.  I said I had a 70 Tauren Druid.  They mentioned I should roll a toon on their server and I responded that I couldn't really do that since I was an officer and a raid leader in my guild. Then they mentioned that they don't even have enough 70s in their family/friends  guild to do Kara. They asked if I was in a hard core raiding guild.  My answer was "No, we are a friendly, familyish guild."

Now, while I still agree with this assessment, I have started thinking about this more and more. Last week, I lead the 2nd Kara group, and we did ZA and Gruul's.  This week we have Kara, Gruul's,  ZA and Mags on the schedule.  That is really a lot of raiding in one week.  But we are still friendly to people, and we are accepting new members all the time.  It has gotten to the point recently that I am not quite sure who all the new members are.  And I try to make sure that I know all the new members since I am an officer.  So my question is, are we a hard core raiding guild?  How do you make that determination?

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