So, I have been to ZA a few times, but last night was the first time we got the first two bosses within the timer. Woo Hoo. I didn't get any good loot, but that is fine, others in the guild did. We attempted the Dragonhawk boss for the first time. And we wiped twice and weren't able to try again as it was getting late and people had to go to bed for work. Things are really coming together for our guild.
We have gotten several new members recently that seem to be really good additions, and we almost need 3 Kara groups now. Almost, we are short on healers and tanks for that, but have ample DPS.
To night we are scheduled to attempt Gruul's for the first time. I have been there before with a PUG, but others in my guild have not even set foot in there. I can't wait to give it a try with the guild, I know it will be better than the PUG was.
On a sad note, we are losing one of my good friends in guild. She has scheduling issues and is changing guilds to one that has more people online during the day since she is now going to be working in the evenings. It is sad to see her go, but I understand that it is for the best.
1 comment:
I loved actually getting the timers ... such a rush!
Kandle aka Steaky
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