On another note, in January, I only had 1000g because I bought a Traveler's Mammoth. I am up to 38,000g and some change this morning. I have found some really nice advice from the guys at
Call to Auction podcast . I have been making a great deal of money selling glyphs and arctic fur and gems. Anyway, I just thought I would share that bit of info in case anyone needs a bit more gold. The guys at the Call to Auction never explained how to set up the addons they use, they just mentioned them so I thought I would give a quick rundown.
I have the following professions:
And I'm thinking of leveling a blacksmith, I'm just not sure yet! And I don't have enchanting because my wife does.
But all in all, I can make quite a bit of spare change since my alchemist can make gems, my JC can cut them and then I can sell them for about 240 gold. On my glyphs, I typically have 350 of them up on the AH at the same time and the lowest I will price them is 10g and the highest is 60g.
I do this buy using
Quick Auctions 3. You can also get it from Curse but I can't link that from work. It is a nice addon that allows you to post bulk items.
Open QA3 by typing /qa config . To use it, you create a group, I am going to use glyphs as an example so I called mine Glyphs. Then under the management tab for Glyphs, you can set up what your threshold is (the least you want to sell it for, I used 10g) and you can set it to fallback to a certain price if there are none up (I used 60g). You can also set the price to undercut by(10s). Now you can go to the Add Items tab and add all the glyphs in your bags to this group. If you accidentally add something you don't want, use the Delete Items tab to remove it.
Now, this by itself is nice, but when you open the auction window, go to the Auctions tab and you can press Post and it will post all your items for you while scanning the AH for each item before it posts.
Once that is done, click Summary at the top. It opens up a separate window. This window allows you to click on a category, I'm going to use glyphs again here. So click Glyphs and then click Get Data! What this now does is scan the AH for every possible glyph and it finds out what it is posted for and lists it by class. And now if you see a glyph you want to make, you can click on it multiple times to set how many you want to make (right click if you add too many to remove). And you can do this for as many glyphs as you want. It lists them in descending order per class, but note, if there are none of that specific glyph listed on the AH, it will be at the bottom of the list for that class with ...... instead of a price. You should make those since there aren't any and you can set your price. If you have any glyphs listed, it will show how many you have listed and if it is green, you are the lowest price, if it is red, you have been undercut.
Now that you have your list of what you want to make, go to your character that makes glyphs. Open up your Inscription window. In the top right corner there is a button that says QA, click it. This now brings up a window with your list of glyphs that you said you wanted to make and at the bottom of this list is the supplies you will need to make all the glyphs. Go get the supplies you need from your bank or mail or wherever and then just click the top glyph and it will make however many you specified. Click the next glyph listed to make the next one when the first is finished and so on. This way you don't have to dig thru your crafting window to make the glyphs you need, you can just click on them in the QA window that opens and when the window is empty, you are done!
Another nice feature that QA has is the ability to open all your mail. Now understand, if I have 350 glyphs posted every 12 hours, I get a lot returned too. But if you open the QA config menu, there is a checkbox that says Auto Refresh Mail, check this. Now when you go to the mail box, there is a "Open All" button at the bottom. If you click it, it will open all 50 mail in your mail box and wait for the countdown timer to count down to 0, refresh your inbox and then continue opening your mail. This way, I can walk up to the mail box, click open all and get up and walk away from the computer for a couple of minutes and come back and all my mail will be in my bags! Very handy feature!
Well, I hope this helps somebody make some extra gold! I know it has helped me. You can use this same method for gems, leather or anything else you want to sell!